Cat’ Care
many cat owners wince when they are faced with the prospect of bathing their cat. As a result, most owners avoid bathing their cat altogether. In fact, cats can be accustomed to regular bathing - professional cat breeders often bathe their cats as part of the grooming regime.
Why Bathe Your Cat?
Tools and Equipment
Cat’s Health
Very often, merely looking at a cat will tell you quite a lot about its overall health.
-The level of activity may vary from one cat to another.
-Cats are the masters of balance. A healthy cat's gait is steady and fluid. A cat showing signs of losing balance could be suffering from various health problems
-The cat's coat directly reflects its state of health.
-The cat's ears should be pink and clean. If you see a waxy brownish-black secretion in the cat's ears, check for the presence of ear mites (a miniscule ear parasite common among cats).
-The healthy cat's eyes are shiny and clear, and lacking any secretion.
-The cat's mouth should be pink, clean, and without any bad breath.
Problem Scratching And How To Stop It
Many owners wonder sometimes if it's at all possible to have a cat and nice furniture at the same house. When cats cause damage to furniture some owners can get so frustrated they turn to declawing the cat or even getting rid of her.
Getting the Right Scratching Post
Here are some things to consider when setting a scratching post for your cat: