Look out for my ANT VRML images....
Something about ant..
Ants are no doubt the most successful of all the social insects of the HYMENOPTERA, an order that also includes the social WASPS and BEES. Ants are colony makers and have inhabited the warmer environments of the Earth for at least 100 million years. Their numbers are prodigious: it has been estimated that at any one time there are at least 1 quadrillion living ants on the Earth--a number so large that it is almost meaningless. These individuals are members of some 5,000, or perhaps as many as 10,000, species. Ants are remarkably adaptive and are found almost everywhere. In their feeding habits they range from species that specialize in feeding exclusively on ARTHROPOD eggs to those that feed indiscriminately on any living or dead animal.
Ant Facts
- The queen ant lays all the eggs in the anthill.
- Wood ants squirt acid from the end of their abdomens.
- Wood ant workers live seven to ten years.
- Wood ants make anthills out of twigs, leaves and soil.
- The queen ant lives up to ten or twenty years.
- The wood ant can threaten the enemy with open jaws.
- There are thirty-five thousand kinds of ants in the world.
- The ants exoskeleton is made of chitin.
- The male ant has wings for a short while.
- There are sixty species of ants in North America.
- The queen ant has wings.
- The army ant bites and stings any bug that comes toward it.
- The army ant can even bite a huge snake.
- Ants have two stomachs one for them and one to feed others.
- Some ants sleep seven hours a day.
- The queen licks the eggs to make them hatch.
- The queen feeds her eggs her own saliva.
- Some ants can have up to three queens